Friday, November 16, 2012

A SasKwatches Feeld Guide 4 Sir-vivaL (BASIK SKiLLS NEEdED)

1. Don't lite a fire in the water. It wont werk.
2. Don't sit on pointy stix - they hurt.

4. Never pass gas in a small cave - it stinks.
5. Don't die - we're the missin' links.

5. When sleeping on a mountin, put yore head up-hill!
3. Don't sleep in the snow - yu'll catch a chill.

7. Honey bees don't taste like honey.
12. Don't walk into town whin it's sunny!

? Before eating a bird - take off its feathers.
? Before eating a man - take off his leather.

? Don't walk in the street whin a cars passin' by.
11? Don't sit on a fire cawse yore skwatch will fry.

Foller these rules and you'll be alrite!
Don't foller 'em and you'll probly die.