Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why Am I Sick?!?

I've got this cold, can't seem to shake;
My nose is really runny.
My head is hot.  My teeth are sore.
I do not think it's funny.
My eyes are gooey, lips are pale,
My toes and fingers aching.
My tummy hurts.  My throat is sore,
And I'm not even faking.
I don't know why I'm sick right now;
I haven't got a clue.
I don't know why my eyes are red,
And why my tongue is blue.
I've only had one bag of candy;
That's really not a lot.
I haven't brushed my teeth for days,
But they take years to rot.
I took a bath the other week,
But the water was too cold,
So I just put my feet in -
Maybe just my toes.
I saw the veggies that you cooked,
They did look really tasty;
So I left them all for you,
And I just had some pastries.
I played outside, yes, in the snow,
But that's not why I coughed;
My gloves and shoes got really wet,
So I just took them off.
And then I took my hat off too,
And then my coat and socks,
And put them on my snowman -
He's the best one on the block.
I may have stayed up just a bit
Longer than my folks,
But that was 'cause I couldn't sleep
From three six-packs of Cokes.
So I just watched TV a while
And had some chips and dip;
And there was sweet tea in the fridge,
So I just had a sip.
Please tell me now, what's wrong with me?
Do I just need a snack?
Wait just a sec, what's happening?!?