Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Hangover

12 weeks of Christmas, now it's over,
What's a man to do?
No more garland, malls with Santa,
Gifts or Cindy Lou.
I miss Bing Crosby on the radio.
I miss hearing Elvis too.
He had a Blue Christmas every year,
Cause he had it without you.
Well now I'm blue in late December;
The past 12 weeks just flew.
What will I do till next October?
I haven't got a clue.
Maybe sleep or bonk my head,
Or sit in front of the tube,
And watch the Grinch 10,000 times
And eat leftover stew.
So Merry Christmas one last time
To you, and you, and you;
I'll be in my room till next October
With the Christmas hangover blues.