Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Day O' Christmas

Yes, it's that time again, been waitin' a year;
Hadn't done that much, just sat on my rear.
Could have read a book, or visited friends.
Could have learned the banjo, or cleaned up the den.
The yard needs a rakin', the kitchen cleaned,
My room's a bit messy, should wash up my jeans.
But all I could think about was gettin' a prize,
Just give me a present, I'll shut my eyes
And hold out my hands, and count up to ten.
Slowly unwrap it, you'll notice my grin.

It's the first day of Christmas? Look under the tree?
That beautiful present and it's all just for me?
It looks mighty big, oh what can it be?
I'll open it now, and then we will see.
I'm ripping it open, it looks like a pear tree?
With a bird in it, a partridge maybe?

I don't understand.  This seems a bit queer.
I'll sit right back down and wait till next year.