Friday, December 30, 2011


"Turn to the right!"
Bat the eyes.
"Turn to the left!"
A slight smile.
"Look forward!"
Give a wink.
Pics gotta have some style.

Lost my license years ago.
Passport taken away.
Credit cards don't have no pictures,
They're not mine anyway.

So I got my mug shot taken,
Maw needed a fresh shot of me.
Said the only time she saw me,
Was on "Most Wanted" on TV.

So I smiled for my new picture,
And had it sent her way,
I'm sure she'll put it on the fridge
And look at it each day.

It's all she's got for 7 years,
That's when my sentence is through;
Then I'll get a new one taken,
And send her that one too.