Thursday, January 12, 2012

Awful Job

Got a job with Bouncy Houses and first day at work,
They handed me a roll of tape and a Bouncy Houses shirt.
Climbed up in the bouncy house, it was filled up with air,
And lots of kiddies jumping 'round that didn't have a care.
Holes were happnin' everywhere from toenails and cleats,
And I was scootin' here and there trying to patch the leaks.
But every time a kiddie jumped I bounced up to the top,
Couldn't patch up one darn hole - I tried to make them stop.
They didn't listen, they just hopped
And hopped and hopped and hopped;
And on the ceiling my head bopped
And bopped and bopped and bopped!
Tape was sticking to my arms and hair and mouth and nose,
Just not where it was s'possed to stick, not patchin' up no holes.
Ralphed up my brunch and lunch and dinner, nothing left inside,
Left my tape and shirt and joined the unemployment line.