Sunday, December 5, 2010

Martha May Pettigrew Marilyn Spate

Please!  Oh please!  I just can't wait!
Said Martha May Pettigrew Marilyn Spate
Just one little present the smallest I see
Just one little gift wrapped under the tree
I won't ask again no peep you will hear
Until Christmas morn I've waited all year
I'll wash all the dishes I'll fold all the clothes
I'll change baby's diaper I'll wipe Johnny's nose
I'll clean my room daily until I am old
Take out all the garbage I'll scrub all the mold
Sweep both the kitchen and bathroom five times
I'll mop all the hardwoods until they all shine
Take Spot for a walk three times everyday
When baby gets fussy I'll take him to play
I'll pick up the toys I'll vacuum and dust
I'll eat all my dinner including bread crust
I'll clean out the fridge your pillows I'll fluff
I'll shovel the snow the car I will buff
I'll eat all the turnips you put on my plate

And then said Martha May Pettigrew Marilyn Spate
On second thought, I think I can wait.